CertNexus Certified Cyber Secure Coder Training
Course 2071

Price: $1,908.00
Course Outline

The stakes for software security are very high, and yet many development teams deal with software security only after the code has been developed and the software is being prepared for delivery. As with any aspect of software quality, to ensure successful implementation, security and privacy issues should be managed throughout the entire software development lifecycle.

This authorized Cyber Secure Coder course from CertNexus presents an approach for dealing with security and privacy throughout the entire software development lifecycle. You will learn about vulnerabilities that undermine security, and how to identify and remediate them in your own projects. You will learn general strategies for dealing with security defects and misconfiguration, how to design software to deal with the human element in security, and how to incorporate security into all phases of development.

Plus, this Cyber Secure Coder course will also prep you for the CertNexus CSC-210 exam.

CertNexus Certified Cyber Secure Coder Training Benefits

  • Identify the need for security in your software projects.

  • Eliminate vulnerabilities within software.

  • Use a Security by Design approach to design a secure architecture for your software.

  • Implement common protections to protect users and data.

  • Apply various testing methods to find and correct security defects in your software.

  • Maintain deployed software to ensure ongoing security.

Course Dates

For course questions or any customer service inquiry, please contact your Customer Service team at BAHCustomerService@LearningTree.com.

We are excited that Learning Tree now offers a deferred direct bill payment option for Booz Allen employees. The deferred direct bill payment option enables employees to enroll in learning opportunities with no upfront costs. This payment option will require the employee to sign a Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) agreement with Learning Tree to release grades/completion to Booz Allen to satisfy the FlexEd Program completion requirement. Note, Learning Tree may also be used for the FlexEd Program reimbursement payment option.

Attendance Method
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Private Team Training

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