Certified Scrum Professional-ScrumMaster® (CSP-SM) Training
Course US-1833

Price: $1,495.00
Course Outline

This Certified Scrum Professional-ScrumMaster (CSP-SM) training program helps ScrumMasters complete their journey from ScrumMaster to Agile Coach. CSP-SM augments your existing experience with training in advanced Lean thinking; team dynamics and effectiveness; understanding yourself; and analyzing your mastery and fulfillment of the Five Scrum Values. This workshop also enables you to gain valuable monthly consultations from a Certified Scrum Trainer.

Certified Scrum Professional-ScrumMaster® (CSP-SM) Training Benefits

  • In this course, you will learn how to:

    • Advance your facilitation and coaching abilities.
    • More easily manage conflict resolution.
    • Start new Agile teams.
    • Facilitate organizational development.
    • Manage scaling initiatives.
  • Training Prerequisites

    We welcome everybody to start the program. However, you will need to meet certain criteria during the annual membership to receive your CSP-SM certification:

    • A current Advanced - Certified ScrumMaster® certification from the Scrum Alliance®.
    • 24 or more months of experience as a ScrumMaster within the last 5 years.
  • Certification Information

    Upon completing the entire CSP-SM program, your certification will be active for two years. Renewing certification includes 60 hours of continued education and a $250 fee. To process your renewal here.

CSP-SM Training Outline

Module 1: - Lean, Agile, and Scrum

  • 1.1 Describe the origins of Lean Thinking.
  • 1.2 Explain the core concepts of Lean Thinking and how they can be applied to Scrum.
  • 1.3 Relate at least five wastes in product development to the seven wastes in Lean manufacturing.
  • 1.4 Relate at least three agile development practices to Lean practices.

Module 2: - Scrum Master Core Competencies


  • 2.1 Differentiate at least three alternatives to open discussion.
  • 2.2 Identify at least three actions the facilitator can perform to support the development of an inclusive solution. 
  • 2.3 Apply at least three visual facilitation techniques for a collaborative session. 
  • 2.2 Identify at least three practices for facilitating remote meetings.

Coaching and Training

  • 2.5 Create a coaching agreement.
  • 2.6 Discuss the importance of at least two fundamental coaching assumptions.
  • 2.7 List at least three fundamental psychological concepts that help transform individual behavior.
  • 2.8 Develop and teach at least one topic related to Scrum or agile.

Module 3: - Service to the Scrum Team

Team Dynamics

  • 3.1 Appraise at least two different models for team development.
  • 3.2 Compare at least three techniques for improving team effectiveness.

Scrum Teams

  • 3.3 Describe at least five responsibilities for Scrum Team members and stakeholders when forming a new Scrum Team.
  • 3.4 Plan the launch of a new Scrum Team.
  • 3.5 Propose strategies to fill in missing skills or capabilities the Scrum Team needs to create successful products.
  • 3.6 Illustrate how at least one element of software craftsmanship applies to their work.

Module 4: - Service to the Product Owner

  • 4.1 Apply at least two techniques for moving from Product Goal to Product Backlog.
  • 4.2 Appraise at least three criteria that can be used for structuring a complex or multi-team Product Backlog.

Module 5: - Service to the Organization

Organizational Development

  • 5.1 Compare at least two systemic approaches for helping organizations improve their Scrum adoption.
  • 5.2 Analyze your approach to a complex intervention that addresses the root cause(s) of an organizational impediment.
  • 5.3 Summarize at least two tangible examples of how they changed the culture of their team or organization.
  • 5.4 Evaluate how their Scrum Team and/or organization could benefit from the adoption of the latest definition of Scrum.

Scaling Scrum

  • 5.5 Contrast at least two patterns for scaling the Product Owner role.
  • 5.6 Experiment with at least three techniques to improve inter-team collaboration.
  • 5.7 Plan the launch of multiple Scrum Teams.

Module 6: - Advanced Scrum Mastery

  • 6.1 Outline a personal development strategy toward Scrum Mastery.
  • 6.2 Practice mentoring someone.

For course questions or any customer service inquiry, please contact your Customer Service team at BAHCustomerService@LearningTree.com.

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